Volunteer Leadership Virtual Convening:
Volunteer Engagement for Changing Communities
Opening Session
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 | 9 am – 10 am
Receive a State of Florida welcome from First Lady Casey DeSantis, Volunteer Florida CEO Clay Ingram and Volunteer Florida Commission Chair Kerry Anne Schultz-Battle.
Volunteer Engagement Roundtable
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 | 9 am – 10 am
Hear from a panel of insightful individuals representing Duke Energy Foundation, Merit and The Center for Leadership & Social Change at Florida State University. Panelists will discuss their work and experiences in the volunteerism field.
Keynote Session
Thursday, October 29, 2020 | 11:15 am – 12 pm
Join us for a compelling message, “The Power of People: Catalyzing a Civic Culture,” from CEO and President of Points of Light, Natalye Paquin. Q&A to follow!
Volunteer engagement leaders are skillful in adapting to new circumstances. This year however, micro and macro changes in our communities, like the coronavirus pandemic, have created the need for more innovation as well as the reevaluation of current programs. Meeting evolving needs across our state means that leaders must continue to mobilize Floridians to serve.
Volunteer Florida’s Volunteer Leadership Virtual Convening will provide volunteer engagement leaders with tools to navigate the changing landscape and grow effective, creative volunteer programs.
TRACK 1: Rethinking Volunteer Engagement Strategies
Principles of Great Pro Bono Projects in Organizations
Fundamentals of Volunteer Risk Management
Mental Health Awareness and Support in Volunteer Programs
Virtual Volunteerism Immersion Training
Volunteer Participation and Emergency Management Roles
Understanding the Value of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Volunteerism
TRACK 2: Establishing Volunteer Engagement Foundations
Using Skills Based Volunteers – The Basics
High Impact Interventions & The Civic Engagement Continuum
Recruiting and Keeping the Best Volunteers – Marketing Secrets That We Can All Use
Attracting and Engaging Volunteer Passion from the Outset
Preparing Volunteers: Orientation and Training
How to Inspire, Fire, or Move Challenging Volunteers
Recognition and Volunteer Development
Measuring Outcomes and Evaluating the Process