Volunteer Florida is proud to showcase Children of Inmates, Inc., a Volunteer Florida grantee. Children of Inmates is Miami-based nonprofit organization that coordinates care and family reunification opportunities for Florida children whose parents are incarcerated.
With the support of AmeriCorps members, Children of Inmates enhanced bonding programs at 16 correctional facilities and organized over 400 bonding visits in 2016. In addition, AmeriCorps members launched a literacy campaign, 5,000 Books Read, to encourage children and their incarcerated parent to read books aloud during bonding visits. Over the last several months, children have read over 250 books during their visits. Additionally, AmeriCorps members have collected over 2,500 donated books. AmeriCorps members also recruited 75 community volunteers, providing 1,078 hours of volunteer service to build the capacity for bonding visit trips. Amazing work, Children of Inmates!
To learn more about Children of Inmates, Inc., visit ChildrenOfInmates.org.